Welcome to the next edition of CINEMA REMEMBERED, my nerdy little weekly column over at the mega-geek warehouse, THAT MOMENT IN.

This time out, the spotlight shines on one of my favourite movies of all time – the bleak and beautiful, dark R-rated action flick, based on a cult sensation comic book, THE CROW.

That Moment

THIS WEEK:The Crow (1994)

HOW IT STARTS: Our hero, returned from the dead to exact revenge, searches for his murdered fiancée’s engagement ring.

Brandon Lee (Miramax Films)

THE PREFACE:Brandon Lee stars as Eric Draven, a rock musician whose fiance, Shelly (Sofia Shinas), was raped and killed on Devil’s Night. These thugs killed him too… but not for long. This supernatural comic book revenge flick brings Draven back to life as a super-powered spirit “to make the wrong things right.”

The Crow is my favourite comic book movie ever. (And, yeah, I just typed that.) While dark and melancholic, it’s also a lot of fun. In between the ultra-violence is a lot of laughs, mostly coming from lethal one-liners.

Miramax Films

The story follows Draven as he returns from the grave. Lost and disoriented, he slowly remembers his life. Whenever he touches an object, he…

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