Check out the NEW SITE! –

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I finally dot commed SLIP/THROUGH.

This involved moving to a new server.

I’ve just had an absolutely amazing time developing this site and writing about the nerdy stuff I love so much. Like a lot of you, I take this fun little hobby rather seriously and thought it was time I joined all of you who have a super cool .com at the end of your site already. Hehehe. Check it out: <– see 😉


I can’t believe the awesome community that has developed over this short time. I hope you all continue this adventure with me over at the new digs.

I was able to export this site over (in a relatively painless manner), including most of the articles, along with your comments.


I’ll still be involved in all the WordPress film pundit sites I check out on a regular basis. After all, you guys and gals made me feel welcome, and that’s how I get my news and learn what fellow nerds think about the latest movies, all-time greats, and bizarre cult classics.


I’m not the most technical person, so I’m not sure how you can follow or stay up to date at the new home (at least at the click of a button). For now, you can tune to @slipthroughnerd on Twitter and I’ll do my best to smooth the transition.

I just published my first post over there. Please excuse any kinks, as they get worked out. I’d love to hear what you think too!

I hope to see you guys and gals over at the new host.

Stay Rad, Slippers!


11 thoughts on “Check out the NEW SITE! –

  1. Do you know how I can follow the new site and have it show up on my wordpress reader and I can like or comment through my wordpress account? I’m not very tech savvy either. 🙂 All I saw was the email thing.

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    1. I’m glad you like the new site. I took some time trying to make it look good. Moving off of WordPress meant some kinks to work out. I have a FOLLOW button for Email in the sidebar, near bottom. But I recently found a plugin that gets me back in the WordPress Reader. The community is so important to me, I’ll continue to tinker. I’m not the most technical person, more artsie (as you can probably tell).

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